Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Review of Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament ed. Bock, Enns, Kaiser

I would like to direct your attention, to what I view as a both fair assessment and scathing critique of Kaiser's position in Three Views. Steve Moyise has articulated a very insightful review, available in the Review of Biblical Literature May 2009 Edition (see the RBL blog). I believe that Moyise has captured the subtle nuances and significance offered in this volume by both Bock and Enns, while rightly identifying the naivete offered by Kaiser's outmoded hermeneutical suggestions.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Imperial Power Exerted

Is it striking to anyone that a cancer patient who is dying does not have the right to refuse treatment? He is a 13 year old boy who took one chemo treatment and doesn't want to continue chemo. His parents support his decision. So what happens? Well a doctor and a judge have determined their opinion should trump both the wills of the dying patient and his parents. So what, in a day in which medical care is supposedly so hard to get, the FBI is hunting down this young man to drag him back and force him to receive treatment! Where is the ACLU to fight for this individuals right to seek alternative treatment.
Moreover, what is next? Will the gustapo come drag you out of your house and force you into service or to receive a "treatment" they deem necessary for you?

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pax Pneuma in Print

Pax Pneuma: The Journal of Pentecostals and Charismatics for Peace & Justice (do check out the link) is now being published by Wipf and Stock. I encourage you to pick up a copy or encourage your library to purchase the volumes as they are released. I am one of two assistant editors on the project and I'm grateful to work with such a wonderful editorial board and excellent contributors. Please consider submitting articles on issues of peace and justice or biblical studies that have some import into peace and justice or critical analysis of the socio-political variety. As you will note, we publish an array of topics all connected, albeit sometimes loosely, to Pentecostalism, peace and justice issues, and anything else the board finds relevant.

Current political policy and imperial critical analysis

So I have been thinking (dangerous activity I know). For the record, I am neither a democrat or republican. I find it interesting that most of the scholars I know doing postcolonial biblical criticism, individuals keenly in touch with the evils of empire, are politically liberal, either outright Marxist, socialist, or very left leaning democrats. Most that I know are staunch Obama supporters. Indeed, Obama himself is a very well educated man, in tune with oppression and social justice. However, I find an egregious disparity with the radical expansion of government and postcolonial/imperial critical sensibilities. How can individuals who realize the danger and oppresive domination often weilded by centralized power structures support the radical expansion that this administration is putting forward? It seems to me that such policies of increased taxation and govemmental influence in peoples lives is fundamentally contradictory to the fruits of critical analysis of imperial expansion and domination. Does anyone else see a disparity here?
-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Comments on the Church and the Academy

My good friend Mike Whitenton offered a provocative question in light of his ordination. He queried as to the necessity and relationship of the local church and the academy. I felt my response to him was well worth posting here as well, though I suggest you engage his thoughts also.

I thoroughly believe that the two should be integrated. Taking the faith in the pew and engaging it with critical scholarship is not only honest, frightening, and somewhat dangerous…in my view it is the right thing to do. Might some lose their faith? Well, quite frankly, losing my faith has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. It happens about once every year or two. I don’t stop believing in Jesus, I just grapple with who Jesus was and what his message meant (then) and therefore means (now). In some sense, Jesus for me has changed, or rather perhaps the change is merely perspectival. As the relationship and knowledge has increased, I think I have a deeper more robust faith, though the crutches I held on to in earlier days, when I had faith and God and truth all figured out have long since fallen away, but yet and still I follow Jesus. I am an ordained minister and full time pastor, I am also an academic, starting doctoral work in the fall and looking forward to a fruitful career in the academy AND the local church.

Capitalist Jesus spotted at Target

Could there possibly be anything more offensive than a Jesus action figure who, when squeezed, speaks Bible verses? For real, this and a Mary counterpart who speaks can be yours for only $19.99! I am speechless. Also, available is a " Warrior Sampson" so you to can make war, God's way. My son said, "Look Mommy, it's God!" (at Target no less).

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, May 16, 2009

He's back!

I am now back. I graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master of Theology degree in New Testament Studies this past week with Highest Honors (top 3 in my class). I am most greatful to my wife and children for seeing me though a four year degree in three years. I am grateful for the education I received, but having evolved significantly in terms of ideology and I am very much looking forward to studying in a less ideologically restrictive environment so I can freely express my thoughts.

Stay tuned I will be posting frequently from my new iphone.

-- Post From My iPhone