Sunday, March 29, 2009

Name that Messianic Tradition 1 Answer

Mr. Whitenton, you get the prize. This is Ezra's dream/vision figure of a man ascending from the sea.

This text comes from 4 Ezra 13:26. I originally omitted "come up from the sea" because that would give it away. This passage is the interpretation of Ezra's dream/vision.

Name that Messianic Tradition 1

We are going to play a new game called "Name that Messianic Tradition." See if you can discern the author, passage and figure-description (or round about "title") of the figure in view. By the way, "Messiah" is not what I'm looking for, rather see if you can describe the figure's characteristics within the literature.

1. Text: "As for your seeing a man...this is he whom the Most High has been keeping for many ages, who will himself deliver his creation."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

President Obama.... My new Chia Pet?

Well we may be in the worst economic downturn since 1983, but things are looking up... at least for the new "Chia-Pet" Obama head! Too

For an interesting article about this in the Chicago Tribune see here. I am totally going to get a Chia Obama on my desk. Too bad his hair doesn't grow nearly as fast as the national deficit.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Walk through the Fire: Sermon on Facing Life's Adversity

Here is a sermon I preached today at Rockpointe Church (Flower Mound, TX).

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Failure of Government to Learn

The Community Reinvestment Act, a policy originated in '77 under Jimmy Carter, essentially legislated banks, by means of employing pressure through the FDIC insurance group to force banks to lend to borrowers that posed a serious credit risk. However, the government's perpetuation of this program led to the housing crisis that we are all now privy to.

Would you believe that the FDIC is still, yes, currently using using this Act to tarnish the records of banking executives who were more careful with their lending? Insanity! See here in the Boston Business Journal, a bank executive who was careful, so careful with his lending that his bank is still turning a profit and presently holds no defaulted loans, while holding a top credit rating... Was he given the "Banker of the Year" award? Was he praised for using good judgment, for being faithful to do business well? No, his bank was slapped with the label "needs to improve" under the Community Reinvestment Act!

Why anyone would be ignorant enough, in light of the data so evident in almost every realm, to continue to believe the government is capable much less skilled in accomplishing anything productive is quite frankly, beyond me.

I am disgusted with America and infuriated at the imbeciles who continue to get re-elected, despite their complete stupidity and inability to accomplish anything.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sermon about Overcoming Heroin Addiction: My Life Story

I had the opportunity to share my life story at my church last week, Pastor Ron Holton and myself c0-taught a message. The first 13 minutes or so are Ron setting the message up and walking through the narrative in John 4 about Jesus encountering the Samaritan woman. Then I give my life story in about 12 minutes and conclude the message with some applicational points. The gist of the message addresses maladaptive behaviors, our metaphor being "the cycle," those that lead to addictions of all kinds, and it also offered a foretaste of a class I will be teaching on addiction at Rockpointe Church for the next three weeks.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Entering the PhD program in Biblical Interpretation at Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University Fall 2009

I am very happy to report that I have been offered and have accepted admission to the Doctor of Philosophy program in Biblical Interpretation at Brite Divinity School, TCU (Fort Worth, TX). I will be afforded the opportunity of working with some very cutting edge thinkers in imperial-critical thought (imagine that!) such as Warren Carter (Matthew and Empire [2001]; John and Empire [2008]), Fransisco Lozada, Jr., Leo Purdue, and a host of other excellent scholars. Needless to say, I am thrilled.