Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A New President and Another Blog: Change is Coming!

It is an amazing time we live in! America is apparently in a new direction, having shaken off the fetters of racism by electing a new African-American President. Congratulations to Barack Obama and I am hopeful of the change that is to come (albeit, I'm skeptical that anything radically new will change).

Another, less historic event has occurred, I've been given a voice at Jesuspolitics.net with some other very intelligent folks. The site is geared toward Jesus and politics. I have a great respect for Thom Stark after having only read a couple of his papers, and I am grateful for the opportunity to blog there as well robreid.jesuspolitics.net. I will maintain both blogs, likely with many of the same or similar posts. You can check out my new post Towards a Jesus' Politiks of Palestinian Liberation.

Again, keep coming back HERE, but check there too! And definitely read Thom Stark's stuff!

Other News:

Big Thanks to N.T. Wrong, the infamous, who included me in his biblioblog list, despite labeling me as "fairly conservative," I was just happy to be included!


Mike said...
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Michael said...

Congrats, Rob! I just subscribed!