Thursday, May 1, 2008

Student Academic Conference: "Politics of the Spirit: New Tongues in a Culture of Empire"

I am absolutely thrilled about the upcoming student conference we have put together for this coming fall. The conference itself is the manifestation of a "pipe dream" that several socially minded Pentecostal students and myself conjured up. We have orchestrated the event so that students who come for the "paper symposium" will also have the opportunity, while in town, to attend the annual meeting of Pentecostals and Charismatics for Peace and Justice. Even more thrilling is the fact that we are able to offer the two best student papers both an $85 award for travel and the opportunity to have their paper published in Pax Pneuma. What more could an aspiring scholar want? If I wasn't involved in chairing the event and putting it together, heck, I would be submitting a proposal. Amazingly, there is finally a conference where undergrad students are encouraged to participate.

I remember as I prepared to apply for master's programs how I wished I could have shown my initiated by having already been active in a scholarly community. Well now, students have that option! I'm more than a little pumped about being involved in putting this together.

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